Birthday. Again.

Two days ago was birthday #52. I know, that’s very young. “Fifty is the new forty” they say, except they forgot to tell my lower spine! Oh well, fifty two years of experience and repeated mistakes! Birthday gifts? I did receive a new Harley Davidson T-shirt. Well, sort of. I chose it, purchased it and wore it for a month, but nevertheless it was washed, wrapped and presented to me last Saturday by my wife who always despairs of finding gifts for the “man who has everything!” Happy days indeed.

A few birthdays back I received a copy of Steve Jobs’ biography. It is a rather large book but as I started to read, I became increasingly uneasy. Steve Jobs, genius, visionary, world changer, died as a fool. It seemed he lived a completely selfish life, and worse still, he was unprepared for the coming judgment and afterlife. What does it matter if you die a billionaire and miss Heaven?

But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? (Luke 12:20)

Friend, only a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the Creator God and Saviour from sin, gives any true meaning to life. It doesn’t matter how much success or greatness or education you have attained. It doesn’t matter how many years of life on planet Earth you have survived. Without Jesus, there is no life.

“For birthdays are mere records of time, not registers of distance. They tell me how long I have been on the road, not how far I have travelled.” (FW Boreham)

Travelling life’s road with Jesus as Saviour is the only way to avoid being a fool for eternity.